Invited Addresses
All-Union Algebraic Conferences (1974-1989)
International Congress of Mathematicians, Warsaw,
Poland (1983)
Conferences on Group Theory, Obervolfach, Germany
(1986, 1991)
International Conferences on Algebra (Novosibirsk
1989, Barnaul 1991, Krasnoyarsk 1993)
All-Union Conferences on Mathematical Logic (Alma-Ata
1992, Novosibirsk 1988, Moscow 1984)
Easter Conference on Model Theory, Berlin, Germany
Conference on Geometric and Combinatorial Group
Theory, Edinburg, Scotland (1993, 1998)
New York Group Theory Seminar , New York, USA
Group Theory Day at US Naval Academy, Annapolis,
USA (1995,1996)
Algebra Seminar, McGill University, Montreal,
Canada (1994-1996)
Workshop on General Combinatorial Group Theory,
Montreal, Canada (1997)
Conference “Groups St Andrews 1997 in Bath”, Bath,
England (1997)
Symposium on Pro-p-Groups and Related Topics,
Durham, England (1997)